What is Reach Youth?
RCH YTH is the student ministry for 6th-12 graders at The People Church. Our vision is to create a safe place for students to grow and encounter God. Our goal is to create a space for students to invite their friends.
1st Sunday of the month from 6-8 PM where students from Bureau County (6th–12th graders) join together for a high-energy night with powerful worship, life changing message and friendships that will help them develop a real relationship with Jesus.
We encourage every student to be involved in a group. Groups are lead by adults committed to successfully navigate junior high and high schoolers to develop a faith of their own. Groups provide a support for students then in turn to reach their schools.
Group meet Wednesdays & Sundays -LINK COMING SOON! to JOIN A GROUP
As a church, we want to partner with you by providing you with resources, events knowledge and time, into helping your student reach their greatest spiritual potential.
Upcoming Events:
- No upcoming events are scheduled
- No upcoming events are scheduled